Meggie's Merch logo

We intend to have a wedding merchandise tent on site for the duration of our wedding. This will contain a variety of JamesFest memorabilia that we hope you'll enjoy. All items have been hand-made by my daughter, Meggie, over the last 6 months. Meggie has created a wide variety of items, so hopefully there will be something you'd all like to take home to help remember our special day.

The merchandise tent will also stock some glow sticks for the evening, garlands for our dance party and songbooks for the evening singalong. We may also have some snacks in the merch tent for those who are a little peckish.

Just to be clear were not expecting any payment for these items and there are plenty to go around, so please do help yourself.

You can find Meggie's contact details along with some of her other creations at