
Photos Section

20th July 2022

We've added a photos section to the website, where you can upload your favourite photos from JamesFest, as well as see everyone's photos. Click here to visit it now!

Merch Section

13th July 2022

A merchandise section is now on the site, click here to take a look!

Music Section - New Act!

10th July 2022

The Music section has been updated with our final act, click here to see who it is!

Food Section - Important Allergens Update

8th July 2022

The Food section has been updated with an allergens update from our caterers. Click here to find out more, and please don't forget to contact us if you have any allergies!

Venue Section - Venue Map

2nd July 2022

The Venue section now contains a map of the Venue for the day. Click here to see where we'll all be singing, dancing and drinking!

Music Section - Community Singalong

25th June 2022

The Music section now has a download to the songbook for our Community Singalong. Click here to find out what songs we'll all be singing, and to brush up on some lyrics!

Food Section

13th June 2022

The Food section has been added. Take a look to get an idea of what food we have for you, and to contact us about any allergies. Click here to see the food section now!

Music Section - New Act!

13th June 2022

The Music section has been updated with another act who will be playing at JamesFest! Click here to see the updates!

Gift List

3rd June 2022

Our Gift List has been added to the website, please click here to visit!

The Day - Updated

2nd June 2022

'The Day' has been updated, containing the latest information on the plan for the day, as well as some useful information! Click here to see the updates now!

Music Section - Updated

31st May 2022

The Music section has been updated with even more of the acts that will be playing at JamesFest! Click here to see the updates!

Robot Radio Logo
Moselele Logo

Music Section

25th May 2022

Introducing the Music section... featuring some of the acts that will be playing at JamesFest, click here to go to this section now!

Welcome to the News Section!

25th May 2022

We will update this section with every new change to the website - be sure to check back here to stay updated on any website changes!